Ok, look, everyone, I have said it over and over. You never wanted to hear it. You still don't, but we needed Hillary Clinton to decisively win in November. You do not get a much more ardent supporter of Clinton than I was. I have supported her issues and passions for 16 years. I remember my "I'm for Hillary's Husband" button affixed to my shirt with pride in '92. Now, with the news that 27% of her voters report they will vote for McCain, we need to stop being angry at people who wanted her and learn how to win them over or keep them in our camp.
I am one of those voters who is deeply saddened, disappointed, and still a bit angry, for Hillary Clinton should have been our nominee. However--and it is a huge however, so all you Democrats, bare with me here--I want Obama/Biden to win in November. See, Hillary had it right in her speech at the convention the other night. When she said, "Were you really in this just for me..." it became clear--this is an issues campaign. If we want to win, we have to keep the debate centered on the issues that matter most. I was and am for Hillary Clinton, but I am for the issues she stood for even more.
With the latest news that Sarah Palin is John McCain's running mate, we have to tread very carefully or we will lose...not just lose, but lose soundly. We will not just lose the election, but we will lose the gains we have made for women and men who support women and their rights.
It will become far too easy to try to attack Palin for being "inexperienced" or "only chosen because she is a woman." We cannot win (the election or the larger goal of equality) if we try to tear her down through gendered stereotypes and constructions. Already I have heard (and the news is only 2 hours old), from Democrats, "How could he pick someone so inexperienced?" Well, we say Obama has enough, right? Well, Palin has governed and run a state. She has enough.
I have already heard from a Democrat that "she has 5 children, one with special needs, so why is she not at home with that 4 month old child?" We, as Democrats, do not want to win by becoming arachaic, fundamentalist and sexist. We will push those who already feel slighted by the loss of Hillary Clinton further into the McCain camp. And in the long run, we will devastate what we have fought for with regards to women and equality.
Here is how we, Democrats, liberals, and progressives, win. Keep it to the issues. Period.
Obama/Biden needs to treat Palin with respect (as they wisely did to McCain at the convention by saluting him as a hero and honorable man), but then drive home ISSUES incessantly. It's quite simple... we all, staffers for Obama, men for Obama, women for Obama, all of us need to keep this to the issues and we can win.
Palin is a social conservative. There are clear, distinct differences between the two campaigns, between the two presidential candidates and between the two veeps. Dig in, focus on the differences on the issues, and beat them down.
We just need to push this question: Do we want someone who will DO and CARE about those less fortunate, those like us, those who work hard and deserve a shot? Do we want someone who will fight for health care, our troops, our jobs, and equality for all people?
Or, do we want a pair who will fight for more money for those who already have plenty and who will fight for the rights of white, straight men and unborn zygotes? Do we really want no changes in health care, the war, and the way we are viewed by everyone else in the world?
Do we want to capitalize on the promise of our country, or do we want to continue to give in to fear of progress?
What do we want as a people?
We Want Change.
Keep it there. Drive it home. We have hope. We want America to be what it CAN be for everyone if we just elect Barack Obama and Joseph Biden.
Keep it simple, and keep it true to who we are.