Thursday, October 16, 2008

Enough is Enough. If You Are a Pig, I'm Gonna Let You Have It!

By now, I should not have to provide the following preface comment, but I will anyway. Sarah Palin and I do not have one issue in common. Not a single, solitary issue between us in common. I do not support her, or her narrow, destructive  views for our nation. Barack Obama has my entire, complete support.

However, I am beyond sick and tired of the way she is being treated. If you have a beef with her stances on the issues, please debate and show her ideas/positions up as being false, selfish, uninformed, extreme, unrealistic, and destructive. This takes brainwork, but there is plenty of fodder by which to bring Sarah Palin down. What is not called for is reducing her to an object or sexual outlet. First of all, its too easy and second, its just plain "not right."

I expect many members of the Republican party to have sexist views, for them to talk, act, and vote in ways that suppress women or take away their liberties and freedoms. I expect that party to feel entitled to make chauvinistic derisive comments. Its who they are. They, too often, are filled with animosity, disdain, and resentment. Those feelings spill over onto "others."  What I was not quite expecting was for fellow democrats to take on the once conservative mantra of "at all costs" and "whatever it takes." I have been disheartened with each belittling, misogynist phrase uttered each week by Bill Maher on his HBO series Real Time. I was disheartened by the throngs of democrats who laughed along and added their own hateful diatribes. And now, I learn that some democrats are purchasing and proudly wearing shirts with words describing Sarah Palin in such "hate speech" ways. None of us would stand for shirts that reduced Obama in such racist ways, why would we buy or condone shirts with such anti-woman slogans?

I have two ways of thinking about this sexist travesty. First, if we want to call ourselves true democrats or progressives, we do not condone the wearing of shirts which demean, objectify, and dehumanize more than half our party. When you call a woman a "cunt,"  you really call all women "cunts." Just like most feminists do not believe you can be anti-choice and still be a true feminist, the same holds true for democrats. You cannot vilify one gender and still be a democrat/progressive.  If you want to make fun of, leer at, demean and degrade women, then coin a new party. Call yourselves "The Assholes," because you certainly do not belong in the party of humanism, the party of "we."

Now, the more cynical side of me wonders: Why was I so shocked? Come on, why be surprised? There is one fact, honest and true, that crosses party lines: Women are not valued in our culture unless they are selling "the man" what he wants. Sex. People are not so enraged by Palin because she is so far to the right of most in our party. No, what has so many men's goat, is that she is a woman. How dare she! How dare a woman think she can leap from male fantasies and be taken seriously? How dare women think they have a place anywhere but in men's masturbatory thoughts? Afterall, millions of women are spread across the web highway showing men what they really are, what they really want.  Men move from their computer terminal where every Tori, Daisy, and Holly is being stuffed full of cock. So, they walk to the television and see Sarah Palin. Who the fuck does she think she is?

She is just a hole. She should shut up, go back home, take care of her kids, or put back on that pageant sash. Right, guys? Is that it? And let's not forget the women who don such repulsive shirts thinking they are so "hip" and "cool." None of you are. You are destructive to our party and to women in general. I could get into a big long discussion about why women take part in the fellow destruction of women, but I will save that for another day. 

For now, enough is enough. If you act like a pig, you are a pig. With or without lipstick. 


Stella by Starlight said...

As concerns Palin, I wish you wouldn't compare her to a pig. Pigs are intelligent, sensitive, lovable animals. I absolutely loathe her and can't find anymore to say that you haven't already said. Place to visit.

To all Rethuglicans: Come, come, my conservative friend, wipe the dew off your spectacles, and see that the world is moving. —Elizabeth Cady Stanton

I also posted a pro-choice rant against McCon's misogyny. Look at the woman he married and who he chose for VP, and then ask yourself what king of bastard he is.

When you call a woman a "cunt," you really call all women "cunts." YES! Well, that's what McCain called his wife, in public, and that's why no progressive should wear those "Sarah Palin is a Cunt" t-shirts. We're better than that.

I hope the following cheers you up: please rent Blonde and Bitchin', Roseanne 2006. I promise this DVD and her blog will cheer you up. She's one of us, I promise. Quote from the anti-Killa from Wasilla:

Joe the plummer now made immortal by McCain, is a skinhead racist who when interviewed yesterday said, "Obama tap dances almost as good as Sammy Davis Jr." Hey, Joe, I hope nobody ever hires you to clean the backed up crap out of their toilets again, and that you lose your business completely. You are an "America Hater" and you should be penalized for that.

McCain was wearing his best viagra tainted Republican Sneer in the debates last night, as he referenced Piggy Joe over and over again, reassuring him in coded language that his "white" wealth would not be spread around to the "n**gers" in a McCain Presidency.
McCain tried to contain his racist disdain for the man seated across from him who bested him intellectually and morally but, as with Palin, attempting to conceal the racism of their campaign now after they have "played the race/terrorist/Hussein card" for weeks, only reveals it more clearly to the viewer. The camera doesn't lie. Obama telegraphed dignity and intelligence out into the ether and included all Americans, even McCain.

I want to be Roseanne when I grow up—I probably never will (grow up, that is).

K, please forgive my long absence. I lost my job and will be a poll inspector on November 4th. Sorry if I got off-track. Great post!

K McKiernan said...

Well, I actually did not compare her to a pig... I am calling anyone--who would be so destructive to women and our cause as to wear such shirts--pigs. That said, I detest her policies and stances. I really expect her to be a man pretending to be a woman, for its really hard to believe a woman could believe as she does.

But I guess finding "god" will make people do really stupid things.

I am terribly sorry to hear about your job, Stella, will you be ok?

Glad you will be at the polls though!

Joe the Plumber... what a joke. His name is Sam, he is not even a plumber, he makes less than 40,000 a year and is "in trouble" for not paying taxes.

Its laughable... Republicans think they strike it rich with some numnut, and they look stupid for not doing their homework. Dumbasses.

J McKiernan said...

Right on, K...way to expose Samuel Joseph, the *contractor*, not the plumber. The contractor who is not buying a business, does not make a quarter million dollars a year, and has been a right-wing radio darling for weeks now.

Can you say "Stunt"? How about "Plant"?

At any rate, good old "Joe"'s taxes--since he does indeed make only $40k per year--would be CUT, and cut three times more than they would under a McCain plan.

But it's not really about taxes for never was. He was plucked by the right-wing machine to be their latest stunt and symbol...after all, Sarah Palin, Queen of the Right-Wing Stunts and Symbols, isn't really an effective ploy for McCain anymore. So they needed something else...something else to focus on rather than the economy. So they pluck "Joe" out of obscurity and obsess over him for the remainder of the campaign. Right now it is still fresh, so obviously it has traction--even if it's negative traction, it's still traction. If it holds, that will be all we hear from them for the next two-and-a-half weeks. If it fades, there will have to be one more distraction...not sure what it will be yet...

Bob Keller said...

k Intelligent, fair and thoughtful, as always.

Stella by Starlight said...

Re "pig": just being funny. Rachel Maddow gave the following stats about "Joe the Plumber." Made McCon look like a doofus. I think J is right: "Joe" is a distraction. Astute observation. That's the GOP's forte: distract and lie.

* McCain: 21 times
* Obama: 4 times

Sam I Am is ultra right-wing and his tax fraud brought to light seriously undermined the GOP. Not that I'm complaining, of course.

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin ripped a community activist group while defending Joe the Plumber in a rally today in a conservative stronghold in swing-state Ohio... with the crowd chanting "Joe! Joe! Joe!"

Well, I'll be! You betcha that's quite gracious of the GOP chanting Joe Biden's name, don't you think? Has anyone noticed that Palin's affect sounds identical to Ned Flanders on The Simpsons?


They are the best, Wizard. K, I'm doing well. I've had three good bites, a good start in this economy in only six weeks. So many Americans are in the same situation. Thank you for asking, K.

K McKiernan said...

I often do wonder, Stella, why on earth they do not even fact check before using an idea or concept. I mean, we knew within hours that Joe was not "Joe," at all.

I think they are a mess... a complete and utter mess, and I wish people would be truly fair and realize that we so need a change.

And yes, I have noticed that she sounds like Flanders. However, I hate to be so mean to Flanders for I can't believe Flanders would sink as low as Palin has with her hateful, dangerous, and quite frankly hideous comments.

But when your stance on the issues are as extreme as they are, you can't really expound on them for hours at a time or you might lose people. Instead, she appeals to the worst in people. People are angry and mad, and they enjoy being incited.

What better person to displace all their frustration and pain onto than a black man.

Its really scary. And when someone is brave enough to say it sounds like the past... it sounds like the lynching and burning down black church days, they get ridiculed.

I really fear we are on the cusp of some frightful times. I really don't know who will react worse if they lose; democrats who will feel it was stolen again, or republicans who feel entitled to everything.

Bob Keller said...

k wrote: "Its really scary......."

"I really fear we are on the cusp of some frightful times. I really don't know who will react worse if they lose; democrats who will feel it was stolen again, or republicans who feel entitled to everything."

k Take a deep breath. We are not on the cusp of a revolution..... or a lynching.

As Barack Obama said during the last debate, things get very heated in the closing days.

Here's what concerns me (mildly concerned - I'm not going to get over heated): you said "People are angry and mad, and they enjoy being incited." I simply find this is not true.

I live, eat and work with strong conservatives (who absolutely adore Sarah Palin). There isn't anounce of hate in their hearts. They are the kindest, most generous, most loving, most supportive and most giving people on earth.

When they talk about politics they want the same things you want. Their goals and aspirations are virtually identical. They differ, not in their core values, but only in the way those goals should be achieved.

Even in the two cornerstone issues of abortion and gun control the differences are remarkable minor.

Virtually no one wants or will tolerate a return to back alley abortions. But these folks do see a difference in "when life begins" and how to balance the issues of the life of the child and the needs of the woman. But, again let me assure you, the differences are soooooo minor.

There simply is no hate out here. And, frankly, damned little racism either. Our breakfast group includes several blacks (and a few big time Obama supporters, black and white). One person's problems or needs are shared by all. Always. I've seen it first hand.

I could go on, but what concerns me is that you see them so different from yourself.

Stella by Starlight said...

But when your stance on the issues are as extreme as they are, you can't really expound on them for hours at a time or you might lose people. I freely and publicly admit to my own extreme left-wing rants.

However, when it comes to Palin, her extreme views threaten people's freedom.

I've sought out conservative blogs: a science project of sorts. K, you mentioned there must be good Christians. Of course there are. I left you a couple of links at madmike's about John Danforth who seems non-judgmental with great compassion and kindness.

Wizard, you certainly have a point. There is good and bad in all groups of people. I worked for a fundamentalist, ultra-conservative Christian a couple of years ago. He was a kind man with great integrity.

We discovered each others' political and religious feelings, both of us became more and more engaged in those discussions one should not have at work. He would often tap me on the shoulder and say, "Hey, Stella, you want to have a purple lunch." That meant red and blue would exchange ideas and meet in the middle. I miss him.

However, just because we became warm acquaintances, does not mean that our perspectives weren't widely divergent. He is extremely different from me, but I consider him a good person.

I find strong conservatives (who absolutely adore Sarah Palin) troubling. She has categorically stated that she does not believe in abortion even in cases of rape or incest. Wizard, you state, Virtually no one wants or will tolerate a return to back alley abortions.

What about Focus on the Family or the Christian Coalition of America? These are organizations with a massive membership, and let me assure you that they and definitely Palin want to outlaw abortion.

But, hey, you know my feelings after I wrote a massive essay on your site. All apologies: shoo's condescending attitude towards a woman's perspective is a tad annoying.

Please don't take me too seriously, K. I can't help but like Ned Flanders. I do agree with you Sarah Palin and I do not have one issue in common. Not a single, solitary issue between us in common. I do not support her, or her narrow, destructive views for our nation. Just because she's a woman, we're supposed to support her? To me, there's a message in McCain's choice for VP: women will vote for Palin because she's a woman and we're too stupid to understand issues and choose a candidate accordingly. Frankly, I think the GOP objectified Palin.

I will say that I am just as outraged at Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Pombo, and so many others of their ilk. I would felt the same way about Huckabee or Romney.

You know I agree with you K. And I have a question: What ever happened to the Equal Rights Amendment?

Stella by Starlight said...

K, Your thoughts?

Vigilante said...

I'm confessing to finding this post of McKiernan's slightly amusing and slightly offensive. I am tempted not to comment. This is a 713-word rant against unspecified high misogynistic crimes and misdemeanors. But there is not one word specifying the crime scene nor even one word with a link or even a photo entered into evidence to provide a clue to the real perps. Are they the usual suspects? Am I guilty of anything? Is this an attempt to make all Liberals and Progressives feel guilty of sins of commission or omission? No bill of particulars? Or is it just that we not renounced, denounced, rejected or repudiated enough Leftist sexists to satisfy our assigned quotas? Please, please tell me what I am guilty of (and how much) so that I might pander and ingratiate my way back into your favor? Do I have to cease and desist my use of the nick, Saracuda when referring to the current Vice-Poseur? You know who I mean: The Alaska Disasta. All I want to is to be able to take you seriously, McKiernan.

Otherwise, all I can say is YOU BETCHA!

Vigilante said...

Oh,I get it. It's the Caribou Barbie thingy, huh?

Kentucky Rain said...

I agree with Vigil! I agree with every word, and that is not always the case. I, like Stella, LOATHE the Killa from Wasilla. I find the fact that a person of this caliber being given the opportunity to run for vice president insulting, not only to me but to all of America that is not on the far, far Right. They deserve what they get and what they got is a mirror reflection of them and their equally nutty philosophies.

I have never called her a cunt, nor do I wish her physical harm. I do hope that after the landslide loss to Senator Obama, partly because of McCain's irresponsible pick of her as his running mate, that she drops into obscurity and is never heard from again, rather like the crazy Katherine Harris. Palin's philosophies are dangerous to the nation and she should NEVER be placed in a position of trust and responsibility.

Bob Keller said...

vigilante, The discussion here is generally a response to this matrerial Obama Supporters T-Shirts, Sarah Palin is a "C_ _ _"

K McKiernan said...

Vigil and Mad Mike,

Come on... you know basically what I am talking about. Whenever someone spews hate against Palin and it is not issue based, but instead based on her gender, it hurts women and it hurts the democrat party, for we are better than that. Or, at least we should be.

You would not catch anyone calling McCain a cock and smearing him in such a sexualized way. I argue against both of them on the issues. We have enough information against both of them to take the higher more ethical, humanistic road and slay them there.

The evidence is everywhere, but what I was specifically referencing without wanting to link or photograph it was the onslaught of misogynistic T-shirts (who knows money grubbing Republicans could be behind their invention) that are being donned by proud democrats across our nation.

I did not want to perpetuate such hideous remarks or advertise such "spirit" wear, so I refrained from linking to any. The message above mine from Wizard does so, however, so if you feel like learning something (or laughing as may be the case), go ahead and look.

I respect both of you very much. Please try to see past your anger and resentment... we have to see beyond this campaign to how we may be hurting our cause and women in general.

Thanks for reading... guess that is step even if you admit to "laughing" at what I say.

K McKiernan said...


I went to their site the other day when I read your blog. I am totally in agreement with their site and what is said on it as long as it focuses on her extremist views and wrong headed stances on the issues.

If people focus on her gender, on her body parts, or focus on personal matters and stereotypes... well, that I do not condone. Period.

I do not subscribe to Mad Mike's view that they "get what they get".... we are better than them and I care about the long lasting effects we cause to identity. In this case, the identity of women.

K McKiernan said...

And Vigil,

No, I do not see anything wrong with calling her the Killa from Wasilla because she is the very thing you name. Anyone who kills defenseless animals from a friggin helicopter deserves to be called a killer.

Why is this hard to understand. Attack her on the issues and her behavior and her views and her remarks... That is all fair. Attack her AS a woman for being a woman. Wrong.

Its not so difficult.

J McKiernan said...


Why didn't you give in to your temptation not to comment? That would've shown wisdom on the level of Barack Obama. Your decision to comment, unfortunately, exposed 1) your arrogance at the thought that we are all waiting with bated breath to read your snarky commentary, and 2) your general lack of understanding of K's post. I know you're proud of how smug and priggish you are 98% of the time, so I'm sure you'll take this as a pat on the maybe *I* should resist the temptation to comment. But silly me...always having to take down injustice when I see it.

The fact that you took such offense is astounding considering the fact that NO ONE EVER ACCUSED YOU OF ANYTHING!!! What's the crime? Well, there are independent manufacturers producing t-shirts that say things like "Sarah Palin is a Cunt" and other nasty phrases that have nothing to do with Palin's hurrendous policies and dangerous beliefs. The crime scene? The t-shirt maker's website to be one rogue Obama supporter decided to wear the "c**t" shirt and post it on her "My Obama" profile on the Obama-Biden website. Does this have anything to do with Barack Obama? No! Did he endorse or is he affiliated with these awful shirts in any way? No! Would he be equally appalled at the abjectly despicable--not to mention wholly unrelated to this campaign in every way--actions such supporters have taken in the name of his candidacy? I feel I can guarantee you he would be. In the same way, do I think there are even more nasty thugs on the Republican side? Well, YOU BETCHA! But Barack Obama has created a new paradigm for presidential campaigning--tough but honest, relentless but honorable. It is obviously not the reality that 100% of his supporters would follow suit...but it *should* be that way.

That's what this post was about. If you didn't get it, you need to be paying more attention. If somehow you thought this was directed to you, then you are either completely self-absorbed, feeling some sort of subconscious guilt, or both.

I would wear a shirt that reads "Sarah Palin is Dangerous," because she has proven herself to be just that. We could have a list of policies on the back of the shirt that would support the central argument. I would even wear a shirt that reads "John McCain is Schizophrenic," because the guy has zig-zagged his way through this campaign in order to get any sort of traction he possibly could. If I was more enterprising, I would go make those fucking shirts right now.

However, I would never wear a shirt with derogatory comments on it. People who manufacture such shirts and people who wear such shirts are doing nothing positive to help Barack Obama's cause.

Vigilante, when you dissect the issues, the candidates, the media, and the political landscape in general, you are one of the most astute commenters I've read throughout this election cycle. The problem is you are all too aware of how perceptive you when you get a whiff of something you don't like, you pounce with typical arrogant slapdash.

It is times like that...times like this one...that you turn into a pundit blinded by smugness. It is times like this when you turn into--you betcha!--a pig.

Stella by Starlight said...

...unspecified high misogynistic crimes and misdemeanors. But there is not one word specifying the crime scene nor even one word with a link or even a photo entered into evidence to provide a clue to the real perps.

Dearest Vig and Mike. There are so many subtly misogynistic issues in our society, I hardly know where to start. Like all of you, I think "Killa" is perfectly appropriate for someone who hunts innocent animals for sport. I cannot find a term degrading enough for sport hunters.

Children's commercials, for example, are sexist. The boys get toys to build, fly, and create: girls are constrained to household items, cute little animals, and Bratz. Now, I really hate those dolls because they look like they have collagen lips and botoxed skin. They teach young girls to spend their energy being pretty rather than intelligent.

And, if you don't fit the mold, you aren't accepted. Either women become strengthened or suffer psychologically due defined roles in which they do not fit.

Vig and Mike, the books that have been written on this topic are legion that could explain this syndrome better than I. There are many different perps—commercialism, capitalism, physiology, history, sociology...

And for you J and K, just so we can level the playing board, McCon is a prick and probably can't get it up. Oh, I feel so much better. Just a little bit of equality.

I am blogged out, but as usual, I love reading yours, Wizard's and J's comments.

My best to you all, as always.

Vigilante said...

Thanks, Wizard, for the links. Yes, these shirts are objectionable all right. This is incontrovertible evidence that these shirts are being sold. But who is actually wearing them? Any photos of Lefties wearing them?

J McKiernan said...

Valid question, Vig, about "who's wearing these shirts?" Well, there was the one person who was dumb enough to actually post her picture on her MyObama profile...that's just what we need.

And, though I haven't seen any of the worst of the worst with my own eyes, I did see one young man at a local amusement park wearing a "Bro's before Ho's" shirt with Obama's and Palin's pictures on it, which is another of the shirts being sold online. Obviously that one isn't *technically* as outright horrific as the "c*nt" is still not appropriate at all...and what's more, not *necessary* at all. I mean, come on, people!

K McKiernan said...

You know, I really cannot believe I am about to argue this, but as horrific as the word "cunt" is, and it is... really awful; to me, the "Bros before Hoes" is even worse because it does two things:

1) Sets women up as sex objects
2) Sets women up as objects of disdain, for "hoes" is even a lower classification of slut
3) Sets men up as a group together, above and "in" on the fight to dominate and supress women.

All the shirts are mind numbingly sad and scary, but just because one shirt states the raw, hateful word unapologetically, does not mean the other one with its "jokey" nature is not just as insidious. I say because it hides behind a "joke" the shirt is in some ways worse.

And at an amusement park... my kids saw that shirt! Jesus.

K McKiernan said...

Uh, sorry, that would be 3 things... I meant to say.

Vigilante said...

A punk kid at an amusement park doesn't qualify as evidence of a liberal, progressive, or lefty misogynist conspiracy. I'm sorry. No more than a few mickey mouse voter registrations amount to a voter-fraud on the part of ACORN. Kids will be kids. And I've worked with T-Shirt designers: they're artists! (Like movie producers! You two tolerate all kinds of adolescent cinematic shit - enough to write longer rants than you have over these t-shirts!) They go out for shock value and cleverness. Not politicos (necessarily). I'll not let my tribe plead guilty over the evidence presented up to this point. You have no case (as yet)! I'm laughing you out of court on this one. Ho, ho, ho....

K McKiernan said...

It was not a kid, Vig. It was a 30+ year old man.

And J was mistaken. That particular shirt had an X through Hillary's face. Women are interchangeable. A few months later, its Palin's face. Any "bro" better than any "ho". You can ignore all you want.

I figured as much.

J McKiernan said...

Well said, K.

Good Lord, Vig...go home. I'm frankly sick of all the fighting you do WITHIN THE GROUP OF PEOPLE YOU SHOULD BE COMMISERATING WITH! We are on the same side! But you are too scared to embrace an ugly subsect of this party. K simply pointed it out. The case is clear and it is valid. The evidence is irrefutable.

By the way, you spend so long focusing on trying to sink K's boat that you aren't even putting your focus where it counts--on the fucking issues! That was, in the end, the point of K's original piece--these shirts allow members of our party to act in ways similar to McCain supporters--using unnecessary and irrelevant nastiness rather than taking stands on legitimate issues.

Also, you say "some punk kid at an amusement park" is nothing--that you need to see evidence of some "legitimate" liberal or lefty wearing these shirts. But again you are failing to see the ultimate point--I ALREADY SAID that no one affiliated with Obama manufactured or endorsed or wore these shirts. The point was that this small group of people classifying themselves as Obama supporters manufactured these shirts as a method of expressing their views. Your view of what is and what isn't "legitimate" does not matter--a punk kid wearing a 'Bros before Hos" shirt is, technically, ONE OF US! If he's over 18 (which he was), he's probably registered and will vote for Obama.

You, Vig, with your patronizing mockery and your ugly insults of the writing we do (not to mention equating the peddling of hate mongering with "art" or "adolescent cinematic shit" that "you two" tolerate), do not deserve to merely be laughed out of court. You deserve to be called out on your ugliness, and then forgotten about.

Vigilante said...


I'm not even putting my focus where it counts--on the fucking issues????

Like whining over a few tees at CafePress-dot-com is focusing on the issues! Oh, lighten up McK & McK. I am so on my back on the floor laughing. Ho, ho, and ho. We are all on the same side and boy do we have the comedy angle locked up!

Mariamariacuchita said...

Hi, friend of Stella here.

We live in a culture that devalues women. There is misogyny liberally sprinkled throughout our society and both parties.

Maher is one of the worst, even though he is feigns cleverness while acting/talking sexist. Palin is a joke in terms of her platform, anti-science beliefs, hypocrisy, etc.

However, I do not like seeing her called sexist names like "bitch," as that is actually an insult to all women.

Vigilante said...

Speaking for myself, I have never called her a bitch that I'm aware of. (I have called Cheney a DICK! Isn't that the same thing?) I have great respect for her gumption, going on SNL. I think she has a future, perhaps in show business. She'll need a job if she ever has to run for reelection for Governor against Tina Fey!

Vigilante said...

Hi Maria!

Stella by Starlight said...

LOL, Vig. I not only call McCain a dick, I have some other choice epithets for him. Some surmise he's on Botox.

Anyway, here's a Huffpo article for K, "Porn's Dirty, Dangerous Secret." I apologize for being slightly off-topic, but this post discusses the degredation of porn to both men and women and offers great links, also.

In the porn world, a man is a kind of sexual robot in search of nothing more than the stimulation of pleasure circuits... Pornography assumes... a man is nothing more than a penis... pornographers offer men... acts... saturated with cruelty toward women; they sexualize the degradation of women... in a patriarchal society in which men are conditioned to see themselves as dominant over women, such cruelty and degradation fit easily into men's notions about sex and gender.

If you get a chance to read the article, I can't wait to read your thoughts. Paraphrasing Mark Twain, "If I had more time, I would have written a shorter comment."

Bob Keller said...

Slight Change of Subject:

Has anyone noticed the great irony (at least for our little group) that the bill to legalize Prostitution in San Francisco is called Proposition K?

Vigilante said...

Wizard, LOL! GR8 one!

Vigilante said...

I also have something slightly off topic, before I turn to focusing on the real issues. BBC continues to educate me. Today I learned all about sworn virgins. Now, how many in our small circle have heard about these? Please raise your hands?