Ok, I know that many will roll their eyes for one of two basic reasons. Either my few readers will roll their eyes because I am talking about a reality show or some may roll their eyes because it seems I always find the "sexism" in EVERYTHING!
I see it because, well, it's there.
Since the beginning of American Idol season 8, when the judges decided to not separate the genders but rather to allow America to do the choosing, I wondered if we would get the usual 6 guys and 6 girls that the judges ensured. And actually, I was a little happy this time. At first I thought, "if there are more girls who are dynamite than boys, well, then so be it--we could have 8 girls and 4 guys. And then I started to worry. What if the "boy vote" that seems to predominate as of late with "fawning" girls (from prepubescent to adult) swung the votes away from the powerful female presence of season 8?
And then it happened. Each week, when America picked the top boy and the top girl and then the top whoever-got-the-next-amount of votes, we saw week after week, two boys and only one girl. The final week, the judges did their normal "fair is fair" and chose their top 2 girls and top 2 boys (creating a top 13). What did that leave us with? 5 remarkable girls and 8 boys (only 3 of which are remarkable).
It angered me. Two far superior females were let go in favor of "popular" boys. Still, I figured that when the singing competition heated up, the girls would have a fighting chance.
Nope. I was wrong.
Two weeks ago, America voted out Jasmine Murray with her powerful ballad style voice. Yes, she was young, but she sang circles around Scott Macintyre (who happens to be blind), Michael Sarver, (who happens to be a really nice guy), and Anoop Desai (who happens to be annoying but has a cool nickname--"Noop Dog"). Then, this following week, the unthinkable happened. One of the strongest voices this season (although arguable not the best), Alexis Grace, was voted out. Is this just a matter of me being reverse sexist--that perhaps Alexis was not the best--I mean who am IIIII to say who others should like, right?
Entertainment Weekly last week (the edition days before she was voted out) had her at #5 of 13. I am not alone in respecting her voice. She was superior to most of the boys.
Each time America has had a choice so far, "the boys" have come out ahead. Why? Is it really because they are the better caliber singers? Is it because guys who vote tend to vote for the guys they think are cool and women tend to vote for the guys they think are "hot" or "sweet?" I know what I think, but maybe those of you who do not follow idol may want to this year...
Just to see if there is any proof to my argument!