Friday, July 4, 2008

Hillary for Vice President!

I am so sick and tired of hearing all sorts of names floated about for vice president other than Hillary Clinton's. I am also beyond tired of how many bloggers and pundits take it upon themselves to rip into Hillary as they lift someone else up as a "better" choice. There were only two real choices: Barack and Hillary, both splitting the democrat vote nearly in two. If we can't have him, we want her. If we can't have her, we want him. What does that tell you? Put them both on the ticket.

Not too long ago, I heard Gephardt thrown around as a good vice presidential candidate. I think it was in my latest Newsweek and they said that Gephardt appeals to the blue collar workers who wanted Hillary and not Obama. Okay,..... sooooooo, why not Hillary instead of Gephardt? Do you get how absurd that is? He could go with Gephardt because he appeals to the people who want Hillary? Go with Hillary.

Then, I have heard countless bloggers and pundits talk about Wesley Clark... and I hear, "and he is a Clinton supporter. That will make Clinton supporters happy." Um, how about Obama pick Hillary if he wants to make Hillary supporters happy!?!

If she does not want it, fine. But if she wants it, it should be hers. She earned at least the vice presidency. 18 million voters picked her over Barack Obama. I will vote for Barack Obama, but as Hillary gets discussed as a candidate less and less, I find myself getting frustrated all over again. Yeah, you Obama-ites, I'm still sore. Its hard to get over feeling robbed, especially when she gets slighted even for sloppy seconds as well.

And the debate is getting framed as we speak. Everywhere I read, I hear "Obama" and "inexperience" side by side. McCain deftly (the bastard) in the June 16th Newsweek interview: "How to Beat a Rock Star: 'Substance'"made his rhetorical strategy clear. McCain=Right Change; Obama=Wrong Change. He went on to frame the argument as substance vs. eloquence.

I think Obama would make a swell president, but I fear the only person who can beat McCain is Clinton, which is why begging her to be Veep is important.

Write it down, dear readers, so in November, if we lose the presidency yet again to a maniacal Republican, I can at least think to myself through tears, "I told you all so. You should have picked Hillary!


Ted said...

What about PUMA's for PALIN?

K McKiernan said...

Thanks, Ted. I had no idea. Felt so alone before you wrote with that blog page.

Cannot say I could get on board for a Republican... just about as bleeding heart liberal as they come. So, instead, I grumble and cry about the better candidate losing, but will vote for Obama.

Thanks for reading and thanks for the info!

Stella by Starlight said...

Happy 4th (belatedly) J&K. Hope you both had a great time.

From one bleeding heart liberal to another, I'm at the point where I don't care who gets selected for the VP candidate. Who ever Obama chooses will be better than McCain.

I'll celebrate with you if Hillary gets the nod. Promise. I just want this administration gone.

K McKiernan said...

Thanks, Stella.

You should go to this site Ted sent me... Ted turns out to be a gigantic Republican turd who acted sympathetic as to try to sway me, but then his fangs came out on that Puma site when he learned I could not be deterred from a democrat.

You should go to that site and see the garbage they slung at me. But really, the very scary thing is the woman who posted the site altogether. There are many many Hillary supporters way WAY more pissed off than me and I tried to warn you all months ago about them.

We all need to come together now...

Love and Kisses to you,

Stella by Starlight said...

With all the news coming out about Obama, I wish I'd listened to you, except I voted for Mike Gravel. (Talk about a snowball's chance in hell...) Well, when I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I don't agree with some of the comments Obama's making and am seriously considering Nader. At least I'm confident Hillary's been a tireless supporter of women's rights and health care.

As we come out of the primaries, I'm increasingly convinced that there are fewer and fewer politicians that care for the people they serve. Sen. Boxer and California Attorney General, Governor, and Mayor Jerry Brown. He used to be governor, and will run again in 2010 (he was gov. before the two-term limit: Hurray!) And I can't forget Robert Wexler, Dennis Kucinich, or Russ Feingold. Now, tell me why we can't have one of these people for president?

Anyway, I went to the site: K, I feel so dirty except when I read the parts you wrote. Good job letting them have it! Can you believe that a*hole that said, "As soon as Roe v. Wade is overturned, the states will have their legislation ready" to reinstate abortion? Sure, in places like Louisiana, Georgia, and other red states. I'm sure that's just what they'll do.

Well, I'm glad you gave the PUMA's hell. I don't know what the hell these people are thinking. Wait! They're NOT thinking. OK, I get it. I was posting on a conservative site for a while—Boston Maggie—and encountered the same, self-satisfied smugness from her. I stopped because I got bored. There's nothing more stupid than a person who won't change his/her mind.

K, I am rambling terribly. Hope you and J are doing well and had a good 4th.

[[HUGS]] and lots of love backatcha....

K McKiernan said...

Well, you show the strength to change your mind. I am impressed. Not many people do that, ever.

What specifically has you most worried about Barack right now? I have not followed a ton, but I have heard all this "moving to the middle and to the right" he supposedly has been doing.

I get sad at least once a day over Hillary. I really do. It was her time and ours, together. I hope Obama does not squander what he hopefully will accomplish.

Thanks for reading the rants over there at the Puma site. I just kept thinking... I need Stella and Mike and Vig here... please, help. Where are you :)

I have to teach Election Rhetoric this fall and I do not have one ounce of excitement or motivation. I hope when the debates start, I get back into the game. Right now, I am petered out.

Take care and thanks for reading!

PS. LIke I said before... I have always ALWAYS adored Kucinich. He was my secret pick in 2000 even though I supported Kerry.

Stella by Starlight said...

My mind changed when Obama said "SOME women" should have the right to a late-term abortion. Just some? OK, now we need a woman who supported abortion rights. And I might as well add strong environmentally. If we don't have strong environmental changes, nothing else matters.

The FISA cave was next. Obama is leaning centrist: a mistake Kerry made in '04. I'm watching closely.

We're absolutely together on Kucinich. I saw him speak live at an environmental summit and almost voted for him instead of Gravel. The choice was agonizing because they are both highly intelligent liberals who are/were proactive for their constituency.

Email Vig the link. I think he'll have a good time over there. I wish I'd had time to post, but I was at work, which is interrupting my blogging. Hrumph!

Changing my mind? Oh, thanks, K. I'm an avid reader of Jonathan Swift (as you probably guessed). Every time I make I mistake, I remind myself of this quote: "A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying... that he is wiser today than yesterday."

Don't let the Rethugs get to you. You're too strong and intelligent to believe their manufactured nonsense. Of course, I must stop by and read. I'm so thrilled you started blogging.

All my best to you both,

J McKiernan said...

Stella, as far as your "don't let the rethugs get you" line is concerned, those were my sentiments exactly. But K would never even flirt with the dark side, let alone cross over.

The PUMA site is amazing though, in its extremely insidious and evil way. The blog's proprietor was apparently a former Hillary supporter who was so spurned by her loss that she became a McCain supporter...except her site is all about supporting Palin, not McCain. So the site is basically meant to support a long-shot candidate for McCain's VP...a candidate who most likely will not be selected.

Have you read what PUMA has to say? She basically wants a woman in power so badly that she is angling for McCain to pick Palin as veep. And the desire to see a female on the ticket is very understandable...but the fact that she started this site and writes things like "I'm so angry that Hillary endorsed Obama" that she completely exposes herself as one who wants a woman in the white house at all costs rather than just a disaffected Hillary convert. I don't think it would matter if the woman candidate spouted Hannity-ish horseshit--PUMA would still vote for her.

Yeah, we do need to send Vig that link. That could make for some real entertainment. As for me, you will not find my name on their message boards. I could barely stomach fighting it out with fellow liberals these past few months...trying to talk sense into whackjob rethugs sounds too daunting for me at this point.

I tell you what, though--they're scary. Reading what they write and what they believe...I am astonished that anyone can make the claims they make with a straight face. Scaryyyyyyyyyyy.

J McKiernan said...

By the way, when I read the nasty shit the thugs write on the PUMA site, I WANT to write back attacking them VERY BADLY. But I restrain myself and clear my head, because at the end of the day it seems quite futile.

Stella by Starlight said...

J, it's only because you are both great people. Besides, my father-in-law taught me that there's no point in arguing with the mentally challenged. In other words, you're right—arguing with the PUMA's is futile.

Frankly, Obama is starting to unnerve me. Perhaps Michele would have done a better job as president.

K, I wanted to respond to you here because things got a little testy at Utah's.

I just want you to know that you are one of the bravest people I've ever "met." Your story at Utah's touched me so deeply. I was at work and just sat for a minute stunned at your courage and strength. You are truly a powerful woman.

All my best to you both. You are two of the most wonderful people I've ever "met" while blogging. Well, better get back to work... Take care.

K McKiernan said...

Thanks, Stella, coming from you, it is truly a compliment! Have loved "meeting" you too.

Really perplexed by how narrow U wants responses to be. Wow. I thought I was being so civil and calm and not at all "haranguing" in the slightest.

Thanks for doing all the muscle work so I did not need to respond.