Sunday, September 21, 2008

Are you there, Ike? It's me, Ohio...

Just over a week ago, the remnants of Hurricane Ike came blowing through Ohio and didn't let up for about 20 hours. I was downtown at the time, going to get some Obama-Biden signs with my two boys...but Democratic headquarters was closed for the day, and then we had to rush back home, as K called to tell me the power had gone out.

Over a week has passed...still no power. So here I write, from the university where I work/attend, just to let y'all know that we're still here...and that our commentary will return when the electricity does.

In the meanwhile, let's all bask in the return to sanity in the national polls, where Barack Obama is again at 50% in some, with as high as a six-point lead.

A big hurray for that...and a prayer for electricity.

1 comment:

Bob Keller said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Have great faith. We went through the same thing during Katrina and were without power for over two weeks. Plus our offices were destroyed and our building severely damanged. It took us several months to recover.

Now the entire country is suffering from a financial hurricane and your voices are needed now more than ever.

Hurry back.