...about how today's political culture is driven by the politics of the Narrative--stories and personalites winning out over policies and ideas. That was the perception when Barack Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primary, and ever since the nomination of What's-Her-Name, it was clear that the Republicans were fighting to win the election on the back of compelling biographies and identifiable personal histories.
But my presentation today hinged on one key factor that is dominating this race: the MEDIA. Members of the MSM, as Vigilante pointed out not long ago, have taken on the job description of moderators looking to inject themselves into the story whenever possible, and in the MSM's hands, the presidential race has taken on the attributes of a high-stakes, down-to-the-wire sporting event--Presidential Bowl XLIV.
If the MSM has its way, this race will remain close and only get closer until crunch time, when one candidate will come through in the clutch and win the presidency after the "game" has been squeezed of all possible drama. In order for the moderators to achieve such a goal, it means that every story the MSM peddles--every Narrative they spin, whether by perpetuating current campaign narratives or creating yarns of their own--must fit into the "punch-counterpunch" framework of the best boxing matches. In short, each candidate must saturate the news cycle for a period, and then the other candidate must take over...back and forth, so on and so on. Because the simple is this: if you dominate the media narrative, you become the prominent candidate and the poll leader. Obama was the main draw (and, hence, the poll leader) right up through the Sarah Barracuda announcement--after that, the narrative shifted and the saturation of the Palin Story took effect. And voila!...McCain-Palin took the media reigns and rode it right into a slight lead in the polls. The combination of repeating the same old colloquial talking points, flaunting Palin's public speaking skills, and hiding her true stance on the issues worked savvily in the Republicans' favor. They found their version of Obama--a big, new, popular story to attract American voters. They seized control of the media narrative, and in so doing seized control of the national polls.
Can you say "bailout"? So can millions of other Americans...and for many of them, "solution to economic crisis" begins with "ousting Republicans from control." And so, as The Barracuda Effect became weighed down by Common Sense and Reality, the McCain-Palin Media Domination Phase came to a quiet close....and so did their lead in national polls.
So what does an old, cranky, tired, confused, desperate, calculating Republican presidential nominee do when he's waffled on the economic crisis and is losing his grip on the electorate, even with his Golden Goose-Killer by his side?
Well, he follows the advice of his advisers, of course, and attempts to TAKE BACK MEDIA SATURATION!
Smart idea...but what if it flies in the face of logic (well, perhaps I shouldn't be asking that question to the man who nominated Sarah Palin)? The last 24 hours of John McCain's presidential campaign have been among the most appalling and ridiculous of this 2-year process. He tries to steal back media attention by usurping a moment of genuine bipartisanship from Barack Obama, and then taking it ten steps further by calling for a delay of Friday's debate?!?! Obama's response was swift and correct (to paraphrase: "uh, can't presidents multi-task?"), clearly underlining just how presidential he is and McCain isn't.
Regardless of McCain's cowardly-whining-disguised-as-leadership, bipartisan negotiations commenced today in Washington, and--lo and behold--a tentative bailout deal was reached that both Democrats and Republicans believed to be passable and workable. "Great," I thought, "the debate will certainly go on as scheduled."
The headline I now read from the AP: McCain Campaign Won't Commit to to Debate on Friday.
Uh, huh. Yeah, I see how it works now. McCain is still holding out...still holding strong...still hoping that he will somehow look resolute and presidential as he bucks against a debate that should never be canceled for reasons so illogical...still wondering what the fuck he's gonna do to repair his image...still hoping one of his much more sinister and devious operatives will come up with a masterful strategy to get the Old Man out of this ditch.
Why is he doing this? ....Because at least it's media attention. And even if it's grasping at straws, what does Johnny have to lose? He's already down....he might as well pull out all the insane stops to try and get up off the mat. He's throwing insanity at the electorate and hoping something sticks....his Media Saturation Period depends on it.
I do want a debate tomorrow. I am naively excited about this election cycle. But if Johnny can't make it, I at least hope the networks stick around, Barack shows up, and uses the 90 minutes to talk directly with the American people about why he's the only one capable of leading this nation....since after all, he's the only one who's willing to show up to share his views with America.
Good news.
First, I have to say as an aside, you've just got to love lee. It takes guts to walk right into the LION'S DEN and toss our a fresh slab of red meat. Zogby has McCain up by two points!!!!!! Go figure.
MY PERSONAL OPINION is that McCain is self-destructing. As I wrote over on my blog earlier today in my post Economic Pearl Harbor....
"McCain continues to handle this crisis about as badly as it is possible to handle it. His political "time out" and his proposal to delay the Friday night debate looks incredibly foolish."
"An important part of the decision we voters must make in choosing the next President is watching how he or she handles events. McCain looks very bad here."
J., I think most of what you've written is too excessive, too over the top. And, as you may know from reading my blog, I dislike the cute name calling.... it's way too "Rush Limbaugh" for my taste.
Having said that, I think you are right on target in the basic premise of your post. Your analysis is correct. And, as always, it is extremely well written!!
Yeah, and the Washington Post-ABC News poll has Obama up by 12 points. Those polls...we can be as selective as we want to be, but there is no definitive answer. It lies somewhere in between. Sorry, Lee.
Plus, the tone of the article on the Zogby site seems very flashy and exploitative, like Zogby wants to be a part of the story by being one of if not the only major pollster to show a McCain lead in the past two weeks.
Also, for Zogby to claim that they were "right on the money" in 2004 is a little humorous...anyone remember the exit polling Zogby proudly showcased on their homepage on Election Day, where they declared John Kerry the winner by a landslide, winning Ohio and Florida and claiming well over 300 electoral votes??? Truth is, I sorta thought that was evidence of a stolen election, but whatever the ultimate reason, it was not "right on the money."
I don't like name-calling, either, Wiz. I debated with myself about it...but I was just so flabbergasted at the moment of publishing.
It is good to hear, though, that we see eye-to-eye on this wacky implosion of John McCain. I have been increasingly astonished by the strangeness of his behavior and decisions as of late. Astonished...
At any rate, it seems that the debate is still on...after the latest McCain reversal. I guess he was just playing a game of "Chicken" with Obama, the Debate Commission, and the electorate....and he lost. Big Time.
LOL again nice spin, no fact.
Dont like zogby... umkay...
lets try the average of all the polls.. wow it matches ZOGBY!
here is a towel for the egg...
Wow, Lee...you are off your hinges...you sound almost as petty and nasty as McCain was at Friday's debate!
Seriously, what's your problem? I posted about Barack Obama's book a while back and made a pledge to keep away from all the smears and nastiness. That doesn't mean I won't be made incredulous by the clear calculation of certain actions, and it doesn't mean I won't call McCain, Palin, or whoever else on their bullshit...but it means I won't be actively trying to sink their boat with smears and lies. I like to stick to analysis...and sure, it is biased analysis, since my worldview is very different from John McCain's...but it will always be honest analysis, especially since even objectively speaking, McCain's actions this past week were ridiculous and clearly politically motivated.
So, please, Lee, stop playing a game of "Gotcha" on here...not only are the attacks mostly false and in direct opposition to the reports most of us are hearing (poll averages show McCain leading?? On what planet?), but they also show an interest in nothing other than attempting to ZING me. Not only are you not very good at that, but you are also leaving substance far behind when you choose to go down that road.
I'm not putting up with your crap anymore. And I'm certainly not going to let you goad me into a mud-slinging war. From here on out, the rule is simple: bring substance or bring nothing.
Thanks for the link, J-McK!
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