Friday, September 26, 2008

Debate Will Have Two Participants

McCain decided not to commit campaign suicide, opting instead to lick his campaign-threatening wounds and get on a plane to Mississippi.

Let's see how he tries to spin all this nonsense. And let's see if Barack Obama can grill the guy's ass on every last issue.


Unknown said...

uh..., er..., um..., I've always said.... er..., uh...

Hillary then McCain, Poor Obama just should not Debate or speak without a teleprompter.

Vigilante said...

Collateral Damage:

Mck & Mck, we saw Redacted tonight. It's been in its Netflix envelope on the shelf all summer. We thought we had been just too busy for cinema. After having seen it, we have a deeper understanding of our procrastination.

I am redoubling my efforts to defeat the unreconstructed war-monger, John McCain.

J McKiernan said...

Yeah, keep denying what is becoming more and more undeniable: not many people agree with what you say. You are exposing yourself as being completely uninterested in substance or even style--you have the blinders on--"blinders" in this case being a big McCain-Palin rally sign. You aren't willing to reconsider **anything** when a debate comes along that McCain back-peddled over and politicized all week, then was forced to attend so as to appear as if he hadn't acted like a calculating moron, and once in attendance was snarly, nasty, and remarkably free of substance, opting instead to hunch over, grumble about every issue, negatively and untruthfully attack Barack Obama, and shift behind his podium and throw up an eerily fake smile every time he was made uncomfortable (which was most of the time)....all you can come up with in response is some half-assed, completely trumped-up attack of what is clear to any sentient being as Barack Obama's thoughtful nature. Unlike McCain--who rather than thinking about his answers regurgitated campaign talking points instead; it felt like I was watching that horrid acceptance speech at the RNC again--Obama took the time to reason with Jim Lehrer, John McCain, and the American people. If you are going to label "careful thought" as a flaw, then I guess McCain DID a landslide.

Because there was clearly no thinking involved over at that podium.

Obama was cool and in-command; he even bested the surly McCain on foreign policy issues, which was supposed to be the McCain strong-suit. I will be the first to say that it wasn't a knock-out punch, just by virtue of how wily and nasty McCain was--it can't win a debate by any stretch, but it can create a lot of diversion. But nearly every major poll shows that Obama won...and all the national polls are starting to skew even further towards Obama. Even your precious Zogby shows an uptick for Obama, especially among independents.

There's a fair, clear-headed analysis of what happened in the debate and what happened after., um..., I've always said.... er..., uh...stop living in denial and bring some damn substance to the table next time!

Unknown said...

J, Love seeing you attack that straw man.

All that verbose out of a simple undeniable observation that the man cannot speak unaided.

In truth, I did throw that up as bait to see how rabid you would become. Proving, to me, that you are actually the one with no consideration outside of the Glowing Obama on the hill.

Obama, Dean, Pelosi, Biden, Dodd. Yeah.... Change...

Vigilante said...

Kiss your Reaganomics good-bye, Lee. Change you fear.

J McKiernan said...

Goodness, Lee, you are living in a fantasy world. You choose to come to this site and throw up nonsense. When I try to counter your nonsense with reason, you try to then pin some sort of blame on me. You are able to construct your own alternate reality out of whole cloth, just so you never have to deal with the fact that you lose every argument you enter. It's very the Rovian sense. I'm sure you'll take that as a compliment.

It's clear you should be ignored rather than reasoned with. So enjoy whatever kind of daze you're living in. As for me, I will never be responding to your baseless attacks again.