Saturday, September 6, 2008

Obama/Biden: The Ticket of " Us"

I have been thinking about the two conventions all day, and I have been feeling this tension, not knowing how to communicate the frustration that rises in me when I think about how the Republicans hijack every political season with hatred.

Then, I opened a message in my email from Barack Obama and watched a video that he included and as I watched it, it hit me. The message we liberals, progressives, democrats, and left leaning independents need to get across is very very simple.

Our new theme should be this:

We are the party of "US"; They are the party of "ME"

That is why we value volunteerism and community outreach. Because it's about all of us.

That is why we value universal health care. Because it's about all of us.

That is why we value every town, small, medium, or big. Because it's about all of us.

That is why we value gay rights, civil rights, and women's rights. Because it's about all of us.

That is why we value economic relief for middle and lower class families. Because it's about all of us.

That is why we value keeping jobs here, at home. Because it's about all of us.

That is why we value the environment and don't just want to "drill, baby, drill." Because we all live here; it's about all of us.

That is why we value bringing the troops home. Because they should not die over lies; it's about all of us.

That is why we value properly funding our educational system. Because all children deserve a chance; it's about all of us.

It's us. Not "me".

This country is about all of us, not just a select few who want to get richer, more powerful, and live a life of twisted servitude and allegiance to God, a God who would be ashamed of the way they have become so "me" centered.

This election cycle is about us. All of us. We can be better, stronger, happier. All we have to do is think of "we" and a little less about "me."


Vigilante said...

Yes, we are all in this together!

admin said...

Great post! We can't let them drag US back to the 19th century!

J McKiernan said...

Beautiful writing...beautiful film.

This notion of "Us" is one of the truest and one of the most effective ideas I've heard from either campaign during this election cycle. You would be one of the stars of the Obama camp if you delivered this slogan to them.

But beyond its rhetorical prowess, this is one of the most beautiful and powerful pleas to voters that I've come across. This election is about Us...All of Us...not just those privileged enough to cheer for drilling and snicker at the notion of serving one's community. This election is about being inclusive, not exclusive. I hope voters are smart enough to understand that as they enter the voting booth.

Bob Keller said...

Bravo! Brilliant!

Vigilante said...

BTW, Congratulations on iKonocast! Good to be able to find both McKiernans on politics in the same place!

Unknown said...

I just viewed the video with an open mind. It is well done, emotional, showing people getting involved in the process with the message "Hope".

The message like so much propaganda is style over substance.

Then you have the fallacy of declaring who is the party of Us and Me.

Then you list off a set of values in which many are shared by everyone, the difference being how to go about them.

Which is were the actual debate should be, instead of ad hominem.

K McKiernan said...


With all due respect, when have I heard any McCain representative talk about affordable or free health care for all? Go about doing it in different ways? Oh, yeah, McCain and staff believe in health care for all... if you can PAY for it.

Both sides care about the environment and the animals and resources that live in it? Oh, really? Then why have I only heard about drilling from the republicans? Why did we hear audacious comments like, "drill, baby, drill" at the convention? Is that why Palin does not think twice about shooting the wildlife in her home state? Bears really make tasty treats, I understand that, but... are we really on the same page on the issues?

Both sides care about women's rights, but we go about it differently? Oh, because taking away women's choices in what to do with their body...that is really us on the same page. I get it.

I could go on and on here, but the bottom line is, there is a fundamental difference in how those in the one column view what to do with our country and how those in the other column view what to do with our country. Sure, people stuck between the two columns... that is a different story. But when McCain votes 95% of the time in lock step with Bush and when he chooses an extremist like Palin, he has pushed all the values and stances on the issues into the far "other" corner.

There is no, "go about it differently" they feel and think differently about what this country and its people are for and about. Period.

And, sure, the video was full of rhetoric, but Obama so far, in his life's work has stood by what it is he "preaches" in that message. You are not getting empty hollow propaganda. If, he were being a hypocrite and hiding behind what he really feels or was exhibiting values, and issue stances which are not backed up by the video, then, I would agree with your assessment.

However, Obama seems consistent in his message, his actions, and how he dedicates his life.

J McKiernan said...

I appreciate Lee's open mind in viewing this video...however, his response seems as if it was prepared before he even pressed 'play.' The 'style over substance' argument doesn't really make a lot of sense to me, especially when, unlike some of the McCain ads I've seen, it doesn't end with the beautifully lit photograph of "presidential McCain" staring out the window, the camera strategically placed at a low angle to give the senator a heroic position in the frame. In fact, you don't even see Obama and Biden at all--you only hear their words. We can analyze style all day long...I'm pretty good at that. And yes, it helps this video that its makers are proficient at editing and filmmaking choreography.

But style does not always act as a mask for a lack of substance. As a filmmaker, I can attest firsthand that style can inform substance if done well. In this case, it is not just a message of "hope," as Lee posits (and as the Republicans have surely influenced him to think)--this is a message of opportunity. This is an opportunity--and it may be our last, best opportunity for a good, long while--to seize in order to set this country right again. It will take time, and it will take effort, but it is our opportunity to work together and try. It is a message of hope, yes...but hope is not a driving force. This is a message of opportunity--and at the core of this opportunity is CHANGE. Real change. Beyond the rhetoric of "change we can believe in" or "change we need," what we need to work for is change that actually CHANGES things.

Also...the "fallacy" of declaring which party is "Us" versus which party is "Me"? You can obviously say that it is a personal opinion, and you could even say it's a campaign slogan. But if you were to listen--really listen--to what each candidate says, what each party's platform is, and what kind of service each party/candidate has demonstrated they can, are, and will be doing in the future to help Americans, you would be able to declare--perhaps not definitively, since that is impossible in this world, but certainly with great clarity--which party, and beyond that, which candidate, is inclusive...and which party/candidate is exclusive.

But you haven't been listening, Lee--you haven't even watched any of the conventions. It's better than nothing to read the transcripts later, but when you miss the delivery, miss the performance, miss the pageantry, you are missing the true message. It's all wrapped up in a package...boiling it down to its essence might seem like a way to cut away all the fat, but the words on the page were never meant to be read--they were meant to be be heard and seen.

So I would be careful whose arguments you are calling ad hominem, and which parties commit certain other "fallacies," and which candidate more often relies on "style over substance." There is style overwhelming substance, and then there is style that speaks directly to substance. There is propaganda, and then there is a substantive message being communicated in a powerful way. There is the rhetoric in support of powerful and progressive plans of action, and the rhetoric of empty bloviating.

Vigilante said...

A good response, McK!

Unknown said...


I reject your premise that only the left and or Obama have solutions to given issues or care about them.

Likewise I reject all your straw man arguments.

If the iKonoclast is a website for pulling people into false arguments allowing you to pontificate, no problem. More power to you.

I refuse to go defensive or play the victim.


I was invited to participate on this blog. I assumed, maybe falsely, that I would be considered honest and able to think for myself. I also reject your assumed premise that anyone who thinks differently then you is wrong.


Let me know if this is an honest venture or pontification, ere I post again please.

K McKiernan said...


Show me. Do more than lodge accusations against me.

Show me the ways in which McCain or Palin have shown... not talked about... but shown they care. Please. I really would like to know what I am missing.

J McKiernan said...

Hey, Lee,

What are the straw man arguments? And when did I say just because we think differently that one of us must be wrong? You foist these assumptions onto me, onto K, onto this blog. We are allowed to support who we support, think how we think, and post what we post. You obviously are allowed, as well...and you have posted some hum-dingers over at your blog.

Obviously you're welcome here. But we aren't going to back down from your passive-aggressive attacks, especially when you are trying to say we're committing rhetorical fallacies and spewing false information.

You say you refuse to go on the defensive or play the victim...well, right back atcha, baby.

K's right. We've given examples of how not just the left, not simply the "democrats," but how the Obama-Biden ticket wants is an all-inclusive ticket, one that wants to join us together and invites us to work together to achieve a common goal. Rather than merely tell us we're WRONG or that we're LYING (which is a ridiculous assertion that cannot and will not be proven) or that we're somehow committing rhetorical fallacies that make our arguments not strong enough to your liking (which is quite elitist), how 'bout you bring some substance to the table?

So far the only example I've read from you as to why you like McCain or Palin is that Palin is "inspirational," which simultaneously makes me want to laugh and vomit.

Kentucky Rain said...

Absolutely marvelous! I also got this in the mail but haven't had time to watch it. I am going to post it at my place.

Unknown said...

So were to start in this feeding frenzy. ya'll like to type and vent and really say nothing.

So healthcare. Universal government managed healthcare does not work. First hand experience with the death of my father-in-law who is Canadian, and the ongoing nightmare stories is the starting point.

In fact its not healthcare thats the issue, all in all our doctors, hospitals and pharmacuticals are pretty damn good. It is access to healthcare, litigation, and lack of free market that is at odds.

While I am not Crazy about McCains free market approch in regards to the poorest americans, I am completely against the horrible monster that Obama is suggesting.

Catastrophic coverage, tort reform and cash for service is where I would start. With something akin to food stamps (health stamps) for the poorest.

Obama, if elected with the house and senate under his watch has a open checkbook with our money. Just like George W. had at the start.

Palin cared enough to work out $1,200 energy bonus to her people.

McCain cared enough to not allow his captors to exploit him. He also cared enough to work with Finegold (sp) on ethics reform.

Obama, worked with people who lost jobs... wow, what caring. If he had started a business and employed people, that would have been something.

Kentucky Rain said...

Lee: The Alaska rebate has been going on for years. It is part of their economic "culture." The Barracuda had no part but to continue the tradition.

Unknown said...

Mad Mike

reference to the $1200 that PALIN set into motion.

Vigilante said...

I don't see where anyone in his right mind could espouse an unregulated free market as a solution to major economic problems.

Reference medical care: access is titrated by unregulated, non-medical middlemen in private, for-profit insurance bureaucracies HMO's, etc. The huge profits made by the private health insurance industry is a major and dysfunctional drain on public resources.

Reference the housing sector: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Well, 'nuff said.

This guy, Lee, needs to go back and re-school himself. The McKiernan's don't pay high enough for me to spend my time tutoring him. Or anyone else who voted for the worst president in American history. Twice.

Unknown said...

Yes, the American public definitely needs to hear the message that the Democratic party is the party of collectivism. Because you know how much Americans love communism!


Unknown said...


I never voted for Carter.

J McKiernan said...

Ho, ho, ho, Lee.

Bet you snickered yourself all the way back to the Fox News Morning Show after you made that Carter comment.

But as much as you might enjoy making cute comments (talk about typing without really saying anything), the fact that you can't admit to the atrocities of Bush 43 means you have fallen victim to chronic denial...or perhaps you went blind and deaf sometime during the past eight years. Either way, you're not living in the real world.

Unknown said...

j. it was more of a single snort-chortle.

Oh, I don't watch Fox news, though I hear its "fair and balanced".

Reminds me, looks like your Clone at MSNBC got his walking papers.. Bummer.

(okay Now im laughing pretty hard, I actually ran back inside from gardening to write this. Great bunch of tomatoes today!)

take care, this is starting to get fun.

J McKiernan said...

Yeah, it's very clear how "fun" this is getting, and how "fair and balanced" you are.

By the way--learn some grammar, spelling, and punctuation before your next response.