You can also see this link over at Swiftspeech!...the focus there is on Palin's overt racism, which is heinous and profoundly dangerous for our country--I am not overlooking that.
However, as the article continues, it becomes clear that "Troopergate," as Palin's current abuse-of-power investigation has been dubbed by many, is only the most recent example of the Palin's blatant abuse of power...
A brief snippet:
"Ironically, Palin was pushed into hiring the administrator by the party poobahs who helped get her elected after she got herself into trouble over a number of precipitous firings which gave rise to a recall campaign.
“People who fought her attempt to oust the librarian are on her enemies list to this day,” states Anne Kilkenny, a Wasilla resident and one of the few Alaskans willing to speak on-the-record, for attribution, about Palin. In fact, Kilkenny actually circulated an e-mail letter about Palin that was verified and printed by The Nation.
"For good measure, Palin booted the Wasilla police chief from office because, she told a local newspaper, he “intimidated” her."
Read the article...try your best not to cringe. Try your best not to shudder at what would happen to our country is Sarah Palin was leading it.
the disclaimer at the bottom of the hack piece "The LA Progressive has no way to certify this report beyond a recommendation we received." Obviously this holds as much water as Obama's "Admission" to being muslem.
"A Swing and a Miss" paraphrasing a former MSNBC journalist.
Of course FactCheck.org can't quite find the information either: Sliming Palin
Oh, don't mind me K. and J., I still love you guys. But I'm finding it impossible to tolerate the explosion of hatred and character assassination coming from the left or the right.
I know we disagree.... I'll remain civil here and continue to support you guys.
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