The Republicans have done a bang-up job trying to introduce Sarah Palin to the electorate. We know her beautiful family (with all its hush-hush behind-the-scenes machinations), we know that she has executive experience (executive power which she bulldozed her way into, and which she then abused in every way she saw fit), and we know that she's a pit-bull in lipstick (which apparently some sick bastards find attractive). Oh yeah, we also know that she placed second in the 1984 Miss Alaska contest.
With all that stuff having already been reported to death, I would like to take the opportunity to introduce the American people to yet another wonderful side of Governor Palin--and finally introduce her as the pageant winner she so deserves to be.
My fellow Americans, meet Sarah Palin, Miss Contradiction...
- Palin is the mother of a four-month-old special needs child who vehemently opposes stem cell research--the very research that could one day help millions of special needs children across the globe.
- Palin is also mother to a U.S. soldier who is being shipped off to Iraq sometime within the next couple days...yet she wants this disastrous mistake to carry on indefinitely.
- Palin is, as the Republicans have gone at great length to point out, a woman--one who stands in direct opposition to women's rights, equal pay for women, and above all a woman's right to choose.
She may have only placed second in the 1984 Miss Alaska pageant, and she wouldn't even come close to making anyone's short-list for a Miss Contraception pageant, but I feel Sarah Palin is the most qualified, most deserving, and most prepared candidate for the newly-minted Miss Contradiction Award for 2008!
Nice try. Bare assertion fallacy: premise in an argument is assumed to be true purely because it says that it is true.
Newborn stem cell research which is what she ACTUALLY is against has no value. Adult stem cells can turn into every single tissue in the body, that was found back in 2002. I think your out of date, or just ignore things outside of your narrow box.
Librals are so wanting the US to loose they ignore the incredible good works our military has done freeing the people of Iraq. No mother wants thier kids in harms way, How dare you cheapen the sacrifice.
Womens rights LOL, libral womens rights you mean! How dare she be conservative!! The Horror. Women have made great strides into the male dominated job market. We see CEO's senators, mayors, governers. The women who ACTUALLY do the work and forge the way are the ones that deserve awe and respect. The ones that blog about difference of opinion are more problem then solution.
Loved the sexist closing, implying that beauty pagent contestants should be trivialized.
"swing and another miss!"
Lee, you are a blog stalker who likes to parade around telling other bloggers how they're wrong simply because they are poking holes in your inspirational boat.
Get a life. And a clue.
I don't go around hanging on your every word and responding every chance I get--I don't have time to deal with your pompous, misguided, brainwashed trash. As Vigilante implied on another post, educating you cannot be my full-time job.
If you do have time to hang around here like the middle-aged balding guy at the bar who slicks back what hair he has left, leaves the top three buttons on his shirt unfastened, and walks around acting like he's hot stuff when in fact he's an out-of-touch dunce...as you once told K, "more power to you."
By the way, you say "Womens rights LOL, libral womens rights you mean!"
Apart from--yet again--the atrocious delivery of your point thanks to your insistence upon misspellings and grammar mistakes, you've exposed a core fallacy in you argument.
How can you say "libral (read: liberal) women's rights"? It just doesn't make sense. A woman's right to choose is open to ALL women, not just liberal women. The desire to achieve equal pay for equal work is not merely a "liberal woman's issue"--it applies to every woman in the country. Liberals and progressives are not exclusive--a point we've attempted to get through the forcefield surrounding your brain many times over. I want every woman to have the right to choose. I want every woman to be rewarded for the hard work they do (as you say, "women have made great strides into the male dominated job market"...I agree. So let's start paying them appropriately).
To even imply that Obama, Biden, or any Democrat, progressive, or liberal would only be fighting for "liberal women's rights" is about as flimsy as the notion that Sarah Palin is a "maverick reformer." In point of fact, **conservatives** want to fight to peel back the rights that ALL women have been granted and in turn provide only CONSERVATIVE WOMEN'S RIGHTS. Your reactionary prejudice against all things "liberal" has ruined your argument yet again. Because no matter how you spin it or how you try to make it sound bad, Democrats want rights for *all* women, and Republicans seem to want to *curtail* rights for all women.
Oh, and... (my, so many ridiculous assertions in that comment of yours)...
"Sexist closing?" Um, where was that? If you are so in tune with "fallacies" and rhetoric, as you imply (or maybe you just sit by the computer with a copy of A Writer's Reference at all times), then perhaps you can tell the difference between language that satirizes beauty pageants versus language that "trivializes" beauty pageant contestants.
And don't even come here with any sort of
"sexist" assertions when you make very clear that you only value women who "ACTUALLY do the work and forge the way," which you seem to wrap up in a strictly business perspective, deserve your awe and respect. "CEOs, senators, mayors, and governors," you say, valuing big business above all else...as usual. No one else matters, least of all the "ones that blog about difference of opinion." Those people are "more problem than solution."
Of course, *you* are sitting around blogging about a difference of opinion....clearly more a problem than a solution. So according to your definition, what does that say about you? ...Or does that definition of yours only apply to women?
Nice try. I guess that's a..."swing and a miss" for you.
You're currently batting .000, my friend.
Lee is a card carrying member of The Rabid Right. The nonsense he writes is straight from the Republican talking points that are equally as senseless. Typically, when it comes to science, he, like most Repugs, have no clue. When it comes to women's rights, he, like most Repugs, has no clue. In conclusion Lee is clueless but he has the right to be. This is America.
I am sorry McK & MCK. I have been short on time, and haven't been making my rounds as normal. I see Batshitkrazy Lee has made his way here from the Wizard. I'll have to look at other posts, later.
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