Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Approaching The End

One last time...I have to say it...
This is the most important election of our lifetime...for all of us. We all have a stake in this.
In the past eight years, we have seen an explicit and unimaginably hurtful division of this country brought about by an unnecessary and disastrous "narrowing" of the Republican party (to borrow a very appropriate word used by Colin Powell). The middle class has been ignored and discriminated against. Only the wealthiest, most powerful Americans have been favored. Our economy is in its worst state since the 1930s. Our foreign policy has alienated us from the rest of the world. The damage done over the past eight years cannot easily be reversed.
We need a leader who understands how to guide this country out of this horrific state...not one who wants to continue down the same disastrous path.
Barack Obama is the right person to lead this country. It is just that simple.
I could continue on, trying to write something with rhetorical flourish, filled with powerful talking points, but I can't. I will level with all our readers...I am a wreck. My stomach is in knots. That's how important this is--to me, to the country.
I have fear. There is evidence that Republicans stole elections in the past. What if they do it again? Or what if the polls are off?
...Or, worse--what if this country just isn't ready for true, powerful change?
Lots of things to worry about. Lots of things to fear. But that's not what this election cycle has been about...not for Barack Obama and not for loyal Obama supporters like me.
This campaign has been exhausting. But it has also been amazingly powerful. A message of transformational hope and change swept over citizens in every corner of this country. It has been an amazing moment...and I hope this moment lasts for the next four years, and beyond.
And you...all of you who connect and communicate over this vast blogosphere, all of you who have discussed, jousted, and outright duked it out with me or K over this past 11 months...all of you who shared in the joy and the pain of this election...all of you faceless enigmas who we've never actually "met," but with whom we've become inextricably linked through this beautiful, agonizing experience....I cherish you all. Vigilante, that old curmudgeon, undeniably knowledgeable and unwaveringly confident in his own views...Mad Mike, the Big Dog, a kinder, gentler curmudgeon (if that's possible) whose dedication over the past several months has been unparalleled...Stella, ever the optimist, a true uniter amid a sea of dividers...The Wizard, always one to analyze issues from every angle (many times to a fault), even though he recently jumped off the Deep End...I even have to acknowledge Lee, who lives in the Deep End...and of course, Utah Savage, who started it all...
...you all hold a special place in my Blogging Heart.
To K: Our first election together! Let's hope the stars aligned for this one, just as they aligned to bring us together. I love you...I am so glad I have your hand to hold as we approach the end of this experience (and as we hopefully enter a New Era together).
So...I argued politics endlessly over the past year. Got in plenty of fights, but hopefully made as many friends as I have enemies. I'll be a nervous wreck for at least the next 24 hours, so in case I'm M.I.A. until the result is finally announced...much love to you all.
And one last time...
OBAMA '08!
A Very Sad Moment During a Very Hopeful Time

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Enough is Enough. If You Are a Pig, I'm Gonna Let You Have It!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Don't Let Joe Biden (or the media) Ruin This!!!!!

New Quinnipiac University polls show Obama making small but very significant gains in Florida, Pennsylvania, and my home state, Ohio. New CNN/Time polls show Obama gaining stronger leads in states like Virginia and Nevada. The Yahoo! News Electoral Map--based on averages of all national polls--shows Obama with 330 electoral votes if the election were held today. We have one debate win under our belt, and all the momentum on our side.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Debate Will Have Two Participants
Let's see how he tries to spin all this nonsense. And let's see if Barack Obama can grill the guy's ass on every last issue.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Today I gave a presentation...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Postpone the Debate? LUDICROUS!
The events of the past several hours--in which Barack Obama called John McCain proposing a bipartisan effort to deal with the $700 billion financial crisis, then McCain called Obama back to accept, and mere minutes later made the second-most calculated political announcement of his campaign (guess what number 1 is), a feigned attempt to make himself appear "bipartisan" by calling for a delay of Friday's debate until a "solution" is agreed upon--is just the latest example of how Barack Obama is the most sincere presidential candidate we've had in decades, and how John McCain is so lost and so desperate that he's willing to play politics at every turn.
Obama, who is popular because of his powerful message and his inclusive policies, didn't come out with a massive press conference to announce how we should all bow down and respect his bipartisanship--he merely acted unselfishly bipartisan, and made a private call to John McCain. And instead of just politely returning the call and accepting the proposal, McCain refused to stop there; rather, he then unveiled the massive press conference to announce how we should all bow down and respect his bipartisanship. On the one hand, you have to admit that it was a pretty smart call, given the fact that McCain has waffled on this crisis constantly, Palin has done nothing but repeat campaign talking points and set up photo-ops, and Barack Obama has proposed solutions and made gains in the polls for his honest work. He was able to steal the spotlight, undercut Obama's true generosity and bipartisanship, and force Obama to back-track and make clear that he was, in fact, the one who started this bipartisan conversartion. On the other hand, it was as slimy and two-faced a move as one can imagine, one that was made purely for political gain--in short, it was signature John McCain, Presidential Candidate.
And so, to address this call for us to "put aside partisan politics and delay the debate," I first must say that McCain is doing nothing if not playing partisan politics. And then I must say that delaying the debate is the most ludicrous proposal I've heard from McCain since he walked out onto the Nutter Center stage and said, "Hey America, how 'bout Sarah Palin for VP?"
At best, the proposal shows complete tunnel vision and an utter lack of the ability to multi-task, a trait any presidential candidate should be anxious to display. At worst, it shows that McCain is trying to avoid a debate that he fears will further bury him in the polls, and perhaps also make his ultra-slim lead in states like Indiana and Ohio disappear.
As for Barack's response, I don't even need to paraphrase it:
"It's my belief that this is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who, in approximately 40 days, will be responsible for dealing with this mess. It's going to be part of the president's job to deal with more than one thing at once."
Nailed it, nailed it, nailed it.
Barack Obama may one day go down as my favorite president of all time.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Are you there, Ike? It's me, Ohio...
Over a week has passed...still no power. So here I write, from the university where I work/attend, just to let y'all know that we're still here...and that our commentary will return when the electricity does.
In the meanwhile, let's all bask in the return to sanity in the national polls, where Barack Obama is again at 50% in some, with as high as a six-point lead.
A big hurray for that...and a prayer for electricity.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Barack in his own words

Sarah Palin: Miss Contradiction

The Republicans have done a bang-up job trying to introduce Sarah Palin to the electorate. We know her beautiful family (with all its hush-hush behind-the-scenes machinations), we know that she has executive experience (executive power which she bulldozed her way into, and which she then abused in every way she saw fit), and we know that she's a pit-bull in lipstick (which apparently some sick bastards find attractive). Oh yeah, we also know that she placed second in the 1984 Miss Alaska contest.
- Palin is the mother of a four-month-old special needs child who vehemently opposes stem cell research--the very research that could one day help millions of special needs children across the globe.
- Palin is also mother to a U.S. soldier who is being shipped off to Iraq sometime within the next couple days...yet she wants this disastrous mistake to carry on indefinitely.
- Palin is, as the Republicans have gone at great length to point out, a woman--one who stands in direct opposition to women's rights, equal pay for women, and above all a woman's right to choose.
Do we really need MORE abuse of power in the White House?

Read the article...try your best not to cringe. Try your best not to shudder at what would happen to our country is Sarah Palin was leading it.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Just as I thought...
Friday, August 29, 2008
A Letter to Democrats Who Want to Win in November!

Ok, look, everyone, I have said it over and over. You never wanted to hear it. You still don't, but we needed Hillary Clinton to decisively win in November. You do not get a much more ardent supporter of Clinton than I was. I have supported her issues and passions for 16 years. I remember my "I'm for Hillary's Husband" button affixed to my shirt with pride in '92. Now, with the news that 27% of her voters report they will vote for McCain, we need to stop being angry at people who wanted her and learn how to win them over or keep them in our camp.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Unleash... on women!
The other day in my research I stumbled across a site that attests to what I just wrote last week from Paul's Pornified. If a man at any time feels down, angry, frustrated, emasculated, lonely, sad, slighted, ignored, rejected, he is a few clicks away from "feeling all better."
The site is... dare I say it... because free advertising is not really what I want to be in the game of here. Anyway, the place's site for free porn clips (substantial porn clips... anywhere from a few minutes to 30) has the most telling tagline ever. And here it is...
"Unleash Your Daily Anger"
That's right men... You are entitled to feel better. Why shouldn't you? All you have to do to feel better about yourself is to watch big, strong, manly men "stick it women". Over and over again, for free.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Dangerous Games And the Part Women Play!
Its a dangerous game we women play. We want in the "game" so badly... we want to have access to power and the only power we can really have is that constructed for us--power as desirable, beautiful, feminine objects.So, it is a conundrum for women. It is not simple. If you want to be able to have power, you become obsessed with "the ideal"... the ever elusive ideal. So, women are forced to chase their tail, never ever catching it.
We are set up to fail... so many billions made off of our obsession to attain access to power. Cosmetics, billions, Cosmetic surgeries, billions, shampoo/body wash, billions....And, if women are "lucky" enough to attain the "perfect image," she is also seen as a whore, as vain, as unintelligent, and she probably has starved to a point she has probably killed brain cells... so she may legitimately not be very smart.
Think of how much time women spend on "getting ready." Most women need 1-3 hours to "perfect" themselves. What do men spend? 10 minutes? How do they spend the 2+ hours we spend on frivolity? How much more educated, read, physically active, relaxed do they get to be in the time we spend trying to be presentable?Oh, who am I kidding, they spend the time whacking it to plastic barbies we can never be without a shitload of dinero and an eagerness to become porn stars. Self entitled men (which is most I would argue) feed off of our images and gain more power by degrading us.
So... if we actually attain the access to power... if we are able to starve, shave, cut, and design our face and bodies to be exactly what society wants, then we really only have a false sense of power because we have lost ourselves. And, its fleeting. Intelligence lasts a lifetime, youthful looks do not.What have we lost while we have prioritized beautifying ourselves? What have we lost out on? Who have we become? And worse, how have we fed the beast (culture) further?
For every woman who teeters on high heels, wears strappy dresses in dead of winter... for every woman who increases her breasts 4 sizes and saunters around with musk melons... for every woman who cares more about fashion than comfort... for every woman who posts pics or videos of herself as object... for every woman who designs (I say cuts) her vagina...for every woman who plies on a mask before exiting her home... you teach and shape what every other woman thinks she needs to be as well.
So... just say fuck it, right? Just be yourself and stop this hideous phenomenon, right? Wrong. Because if you do not play by the rules, you are absolutely nothing. No one sees you. No one hears you. And worst of all, in context of our society... no one fucking wants you.
A post on legalizing prostitution will be forthcoming. Look for it and thank, Wizard for prompting me!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Pornified Culture
I also am so tired of not finding the time to write on this blog that I have determined that I am not going to wait around for the "perfect" thing to say. I tend to stew over items and then get overwhelmed by how much there is to say, especially on gender constructions and items which fall under that such as Pornography. So, instead, I am going to write one or a few things that trouble or move me and then if it gets me going, fine. If that's all there is, well, that's all there is, folks!
So, the latest thing in Paul's Pornified that made me nod and nod until I felt like I had some disease is the concept of how often times porn is not just an assist to masturbation. Rather, it is a way for men to validate and dominate. If anything goes wrong in their real world, they can save face by reverting to a fantasy world where every woman will bow and suck them off. Ah, finally, I AM better than somebody else. A Pornified world is one in which any man can get any woman and she will love every fucking (no pun intended) minute of it. Men love such a world because its easy, because it releases the frustration from all the women who do spurn/reject them, and it validates them as men. What is almost sad is that they have no idea the destruction they do to themselves let alone women.
Here is an astute quote from Ms. Paul, "The women in pornography exist in order to please men, and are therefore willing to do anything. They will dominate or act submissive. They can play dumb or talk back, moan quietly or scream, cry in anger or in pleasure. They will accommodate whatever a man wants them to do, be it anal sex, double penetration, or multiple orgasms. The porn star is always responsive; she would never complain about a man being late or taking too long to come. Her hair never gers trapped under his elbow or her thighs never tire. She's easily aroused, naturally and consistently orgasmic, and malleable. She is what he wants her to be. She's a cheerleader, a nurse, a dominatrix, a nymphomaniac, a virgin, a teenager, your best friend's mother. She is every woman who was ever out of your league. She's the girl next door, the prom queen, the hot teacher, the supermodel, the celebrity. She is every woman who ever did the rejecting. She used to be a lesbian, she used to be frigid, she used to be afraid of sex. She is every woman who cannot be had. Now she loves sex, she can't get enough of it; she can't get enough of sex with you. She is every woman who should appreciate you."
Ironically, men use porn to feel better about who they are. To dominate when they feel oppressed. Only the pathetic would use such a crutch and not even realize its a crutch.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Silly Quizzes-But I like the result!
You are Wonder Woman
| You are a beautiful princess with great strength of character. ![]() |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
A Trip to my Neighbors
This moment caused me to go into an hour-long reflection and rant with my husband. Notice, I did say with and not at, for J is in agreement about the objectification of women. Our moment together at the neighbor's made him recall one of his earliest moments exposed to pornographic images. He was 10 and was left in an mechanic's office while his mom's car was being worked on. Not a private office mind you, but rather one where customers met to discuss initial problems regarding their vehicles. J disclosed how the first monthly image (it was a calendar proudly hanging from a wall in plain view) was a woman standing with her rear hanging out of a "mini" skirt; however, each month deterioriated until the women were splayed out, with every inch of their body visible.
J was 10, but that was not even his earliest exposure, however. He had witnessed not-so-scrambled Playboy channel at 8, unscrambled at 10. The worst exposure of the lot, however, happened upon a trip he took to his neighbor's at age 12, where every magazine known to the top three pornography companies sat collecting dust in boxes, ready for eager pre-pubescent hands. And, the 14 year old neighbor was only to glad to share hard core films to boot. Then the internet hit, where any boy of any age can find any thing he wants at any minute he wishes it, and sometimes even when he does not wish it.
What kind of people are we? We act as if we are better than other countries. We sit, self righteous, and bemoan how other country's treat their women. Be it shrouded in a veil or removed from all clothes, we should not kid ourselves. Our society does not respect women, we degrade them. Sure, women do not have to follow 10 feet behind while walking down the street, but they better be sure they look hot and desirable on their trek.
Interestingly, as Ariel Levy points out in her Female Chauvinist Pigs, there is a growing number of women who eagerly wear this degradation, for it is the only access to power women have here in America. The more sexualized and wanton we are, the only attention--negative or not--we "earn." Women are sexual commodities, but before we are "bought," our sexuality has buying power.
Anyway, Ariel Levy's astute commentary on the new trend of women who actively objectify themselves is a post for another time. Here, I want to finish on how absurd it is to display women for their sexual parts.
Imagine walking in to get your car worked on and seeing a calendar of demure naked men, begging to be oogled. Wouldn't this be absurd?
And before you say, "hey I have seen those beefcake calendars," let me argue that that hardly counts. It is inane to objectify men, but look closely at those images. Those "firefighter" or beefcake calendars reiterate positive male characteristics, making men look manly, muscular, tough. Not about making them look like sex kittens who can't wait to be ravaged.
Imagine driving down the road looking for a place to eat and you see a new restaurant opening: COCKS. COCKS and their half naked men selling hot dogs outsells the leading Hooters and their wings by leaps and bounds. Absurd?
Imagine coming over to my house to bring me back the sugar you borrowed and you walk through a garage with penises plastered to the walls. Absurd?
Yes, it is absurd. But don't worry. Upon a trip to my house, you will not see gargantuan cocks displayed on my garage walls. I have too much respect for humanity for that. Sometimes I wish I did not. Perhaps if we all woke up and saw men displayed as we now display women, people would wake up to how absurd it all really is.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Hillary for Vice President!
Not too long ago, I heard Gephardt thrown around as a good vice presidential candidate. I think it was in my latest Newsweek and they said that Gephardt appeals to the blue collar workers who wanted Hillary and not Obama. Okay,..... sooooooo, why not Hillary instead of Gephardt? Do you get how absurd that is? He could go with Gephardt because he appeals to the people who want Hillary? Go with Hillary.
Then, I have heard countless bloggers and pundits talk about Wesley Clark... and I hear, "and he is a Clinton supporter. That will make Clinton supporters happy." Um, how about Obama pick Hillary if he wants to make Hillary supporters happy!?!
If she does not want it, fine. But if she wants it, it should be hers. She earned at least the vice presidency. 18 million voters picked her over Barack Obama. I will vote for Barack Obama, but as Hillary gets discussed as a candidate less and less, I find myself getting frustrated all over again. Yeah, you Obama-ites, I'm still sore. Its hard to get over feeling robbed, especially when she gets slighted even for sloppy seconds as well.
And the debate is getting framed as we speak. Everywhere I read, I hear "Obama" and "inexperience" side by side. McCain deftly (the bastard) in the June 16th Newsweek interview: "How to Beat a Rock Star: 'Substance'"made his rhetorical strategy clear. McCain=Right Change; Obama=Wrong Change. He went on to frame the argument as substance vs. eloquence.
I think Obama would make a swell president, but I fear the only person who can beat McCain is Clinton, which is why begging her to be Veep is important.
Write it down, dear readers, so in November, if we lose the presidency yet again to a maniacal Republican, I can at least think to myself through tears, "I told you all so. You should have picked Hillary!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Self Pity and the Image She Wants
Friday, June 20, 2008
What do I think of Sex and the City?